Pr AC Benhamou, MD


The author discusses the editorial line of this new journal.

Its red thread will follow all the developments of the concept of aesthetic health, in a transversal, multidisciplinary, scientific, practical, ethical and interactive approach.

Look et Medicine is a digital journal, a classical paper medical review and a new online full content digital magazine, devoted to the aesthetic health development.

Keywords: self-image, aesthetic medicine, aesthetic dermatology, aesthetic surgery, scientific cosmetology.

L&M is dedicated to the “aesthetic health ».

It gives me great pleasure to present the first issue of the new magazine “Look & Medicine” dedicated to aesthetic medicine, aesthetic dermatology, aesthetic surgery and scientific cosmetology.

“Look & Medicine” aims to be at the service of health professionals dedicated to promoting and/or restoring the best possible state of aesthetic health to patients.

All of these increasingly interconnected and cross-disciplinary disciplines offer diagnostic and therapeutic methods that are constantly evolving rapidly. 

They must therefore be made known and learned with the most modern and interactive training tools possible.

We hope that “Look & Medicine” will be part of these new attractive and user-friendly training materials, which are sorely needed and are currently lacking.

The “concept of care” within the framework of “aesthetic health” takes into account the “concept of self” where “self-image” plays a predominant role.


 This concept of care in today’s medicine must integrate an aesthetic dimension into the practice of all medical acts.


For the demand of patients, whether explicit or explicit, is constantly increasing, even demanding.

  • It is most often a question of responding to a demand for care with an aesthetic objective, aiming first and foremost at correcting the negative effects of ageing of tissues, whether superficial and/or structural. 

  • We often speak of transformative medicine and anti-ageing medicine, which has its full place, but which is not exclusive, because it also involves correcting birth defects or acquired defects judged to be unsightly, even in young subjects, and increasingly so in both women and men. 

  • But it is also a question of actively participating in the early prevention of tissue ageing, by integrating hygienic, cosmetic and dietetic measures, sports or cultural activities within the framework of wellness medicine.

  • The negative effects of the body’s appearance that are considered unsightly are felt as suffering : it is legitimate and ethical to try to respond to them in the least aggressive way possible and in the most sustainable way. 

  • Health professionals trained in these disciplines, are able to listen attentively and positively to patients who are looking for the best medical and/or surgical solution for aesthetic purposes. 

Doctor Jean-Marc Chardonneau is the editor of the new magazine “Look & Médecine” with the help  of a scientific committee composed of renowned personalities in France and abroad.

L&M intends in its essential editorial line to promote all forms of services that modern aesthetic medicine, aesthetic dermatology and cosmetic surgery can provide to patients.

  • L&M wishes to dedicate itself to demonstrating the innovative contributions of the main current treatment and care techniques, aimed at meeting their patients’ demand for better aesthetic health. 

  • L&M wishes to participate in the widest possible dissemination of quality initial and continuing education tools for healthcare professionals dedicated to aesthetic health.

Diagnostic and therapeutic progress in these fields is dependent on the contributions of these new product ranges, ranging from cosmetology, to injectable products, to thermal and energy technologies such as lasers or cryolipolysers, textiles, digital, chemical, etc.

The qualities of the procedures and technological products offered by the industrial laboratories dedicated to this medicine of the body’s appearance are undeniable and are constantly being improved.

  • L&M will give a large place to the visuals and texts describing the techniques and their results in order to enhance the educational and scientific content and thus consolidate their approach and impact.

  • L&M conceived as a digital and paper transmedia tool for professionals. 

  • L&M will be digital and directly linked to its website, accessible on all computers and smartphones.

  • L&M will create a correspondence between the journal’s paper texts and their digital version via a QR CODE, in order to lead the reader to digital communication supports (videos, webinars, slide shows, etc.), via the journal’s website and via the websites of the journal’s partner laboratories. 

  • In this way, we hope to provide our readers with a valuable, ethical and innovative support from L&M.

L&M’s management team would like to thank very warmly the colleagues and friends who are members of the journal’s Scientific Committee and the industrial laboratories who have quickly placed their trust in us by measuring the importance of this tool for both initial and lifelong professional training.

Enjoy your reading !


La santé esthétique fondée sur des preuves scientifiques

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