Periorbital embellishment. Alexandre KITIC, MD, President of the National Association of Young Plastic Surgeons
LM N°1 / 2023. What's new in the drug treatment of obesity? Ali Al-SHALEEL, MD, Jad BISSAR, MD, Barbara HERSANT, MD PHD.

What's new in the drug treatment of obesity? Ali Al-SHALEEL, Jad BISSAR, Barbara HERSANT, MD PHD. Place des MAO (Médicaments Anti-obésité) INTRODUCTION Obesity is recognized as a major pandemic of the 21st century, contributing to increased morbidity, mortality and healthcare cost burden. Overweight and obesity are [...]
LM N° 3/ 2022. Another look. Editorial. Regenerative medicine or the future of medicine. Pr Barbara HERSANT

Another lookEditorialRegenerative medicine, the future of medicine. Pr Barbara Hersant MD PhD Sce de chirurgie plastique et maxillo-faciale. Breast Center. Hôpital Henri Mondor. Créteil 94010, France Barbara.hersant@aphp.fr Tissue regeneration has been defined as the reactivation of developmental processes to restore missing or damaged tissue. Regenerative medicine emerged [...].
LM N° 3/ 2022. Another look. Swiss medical devices for autologous regenerative medicine. Farid Gomri, Solange Vischer, Antoine Turzi, Sarah Berndt

Another look Swiss medical devices for autologous regenerative medicine. Antoine Turzi CEO at Regen Lab SA (Switzerland) Sarah Berndt. PhD in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences- Head of Cell Therapy Research at Regen Lab SA Solange Vischer. Senior scientific advisor at Regen Lab AG Farid Gomri. General Manager Regen Lab Africa and Business & [...]
LM N° 3/ 2022. Another look. Hyaluronic acid and tissue regeneration. Denis Couchourel PhD, MBA Scientific & Medical Director Laboratoires Vivacy

Another look Hyaluronic acid and tissue regeneration Denis Couchourel PhD, MBA Scientific & Medical Director Vivacy Laboratories Introduction The first publications describing the clinical results of hyaluronic acid (HA) used as dermal filling material for aesthetic purposes date back to the early 2000s (Duranti F et al, 1998 ; Pollack S, [...]
LM N° 3/ 2022. Another look. Good practice in the preparation of human blood-derived biological products, such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). Daphne V. Dierman, PhD Pharmacist, Sanaa Benkirane, PhD Pharmacist, Farid Gomri, Msc, Biologist, Antoine Turzi, CEO RegenLab.

Another look Good preparation practices for human blood-derived biological products: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Daphne V. Dierman, PhD Pharmacist, Sanaa Benkirane, PhD Pharmacist, Farid Gomri, Msc, Biologist, Antoine Turzi, CEO RegenLab. Introduction New innovative therapies characterized as autologous (organic substance whose donor and recipient are the same person) are being developed.
LM N° 2/ 2022. Another look. Skin regeneration with PRP-(HA). Swiss translational research projects, from in vitro and in vivo experiments to clinical evidence. Dr Ali Modarressi MD, Dr Sarah Berndt Doctor of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Another look Skin regeneration with PRP-(HA) Swiss translational research projects, from in vitro and in vivo experiments to clinical evidence. Dr. Ali Modaressi, MD (1) Sarah Berndt, PhD (2) 1. Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, Geneva, Switzerland 2.
LM N° 2/ 2022. Another look. Exosomes: an innovation in aesthetic medicine. Dr Sarah Berndt Doctor of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Another look Exosomes: an innovation in aesthetic medicine Sarah Berndt, PhD Head of Cell Therapy Research at Regen Lab SA (Switzerland) Introduction Exosomes are small round extracellular vesicles produced by almost all cell types and present in all fluids [...]
LM N° 2/ 2022. Another look. Another look at hyaluronic acid. Véronique Lencznar. AQ Skin Solutions

LM3. Another look. Another look at hyaluronic acid. Véronique Lencznar AQ Skin Solutions