LM3. Everything you want to know. Methodology and best practices for integrating "regenerative medicine" in compliance with regulations. Dr. Nicola Beneduce MD
Another look Methodology and good practices to integrate "regenerative medicine" in compliance with the regulations. Dr Nicola Beneduce, MD Department of plastic and maxillofacial surgery. AP-HP Paris-Est Créteil INTRODUCTION. PRP - Platelet Rich Plasma - is a blood-derived biological product characterized by a high degree of antigenic activity.
Lm3. Everything you want to know. Lipofilling of the face. Pr Barbara Hersant
Everything you want to know about facial lipofilling Pr Barbara Hersant MD, PhD. Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Maxillofacial Surgery. Henri Mondor Hospital, Créteil, France. Abstract Adipose tissue has the advantage of being easy to harvest and the possibility of performing autografts. The interest of "lipofilling" has been considered for a long time [...]