LM N° 2/ 2021. Another view. A bridge between phlebology and aesthetic medicine. Dr Kahina Betroune

Another look A bridge between phlebology and aesthetic medicine. Dr Kahina Betroune American Hospital of Paris, Neuilly Abstract The theoretical and practical knowledge as well as certain tools of the phlebologist represent a real added value in the practice of aesthetic medicine. The expertise of vascular anatomy, the use of Doppler ultrasound (possible during all procedures), the use of the [...]
LM N° 2/ 2021. Another look. The value of cosmetic consultation in the medical practice. Isabelle Milès. Founder of La Bulle de Bobolina, cosmetics training and consulting center.

Tips and tricks The interest of the cosmetic consultation in medical office Isabelle Milès Founder of La Bulle de Bobolina, cosmetic training and advice center. https://labulledebobolina.com/ With the multitude of distribution channels, new trends and the latest favorites of bloggers and instagrammers, it is now difficult to make a choice really [...]
LM N° 2/ 2021. Another look. The ring. Nicolas BRAULT, MD

Another look The eye ring Nicolas BRAULT, MD docteurbraultn@gmail.com What is the eye ring? Anatomical definition The cerne corresponds to the dark jugo-palpebral or palpebro-malar sulcus delimiting the lower eyelid above and the malar region below. Anatomically, it reflects the attachment of osteocutaneous ligaments (orbicularis retaining ligament) between the periosteum of the orbit and the palpebrae.
LM N° 2/ 2021. Skin beauty and care for men. DR Michèle VERSCHOORE, Marine VIALLANEIX. L'ORÉAL Research

Another look at SKIN BEAUTY AND MEN'S CARE DR Michèle VERSCHOORE, Marine VIALLANEIX. L'ORÉAL Research Men's skin care over the centuries Beauty has always been an integral part of the relationship between men and women. Men and women devote energy and resources to maintaining a beautiful appearance of their [...]