LM N° 2/ 2021 . Subjects still taboo. Gynaecological cosmetics: foundations and means. Dana SAWAN, Barbara HERSANT

Still taboo subjects Gynecological cosmetics: foundations and means. Dana SAWAN1, Barbara HERSANT2 1Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit, King Abdulaziz Hospital, Jeddah, Saudia Arabia 2Aesthetic and reconstructive Plastic Surgery Unit of Henri Mondor Hospital, Créteil, France For correspondence: Dr Dana Sawan: Tel: +966 50 560 8206 Email: dana.s.sawan@gmail.com 2737 Abdullah Bin Huthafa Street, Ash Shati [...]
LM N° 2/ 2021. STILL TABOO SUBJECTS. Penile cosmetology. What products are available for local use? Sofia SPANOPOULOU, MD.

Topics still taboo Penile cosmetology. Products for local use. Sofia SPANOPOULOU, MD. Henri Mondor Hospital. Créteil Introduction Many men feel a lack of harmony with regard to their genitalia. The size and functionality of the penis are closely related to self-esteem and sexual identity. Genital aesthetic surgery and medicine [...]