LM N° 2/ 2021. Editorial. Dr. Hélène Huguet (PharmD., PhD.) Scientific Director (Universkin SAS, France)

Dr Hélène HUGUET

Editorial Sublimating the aesthetic act through skin quality Dr. Hélène Huguet (PharmD., PhD.) Scientific Director (Universkin SAS, France) https://at.croma.at/products-fr-ch/skincare/universkin/ Sometimes natural, sometimes sophisticated, beauty has many faces and the canons of beauty have been evolving over the centuries. Our body ideal balances between the desire to look good and the [...]

LM N° 2/ 2021. Editorial 3. Medical cosmetology. The science of beauty products that must accompany any dermatological or aesthetic medical procedure. Yvona Zivic. NP, MSc.

Editorial Medical cosmetology. The science of beauty products that must accompany any gesture of dermatology or aesthetic medicine. Yvona Zivic. NP, MSc. Medical cosmetology is the science of beauty products that must accompany any dermatology or aesthetic medicine procedure, so that it disrupts the patient's social life as little as possible, integrating anti-aging active ingredients targeting the mechanisms of aging [...]


Pr JEAN PAUL MENINGAUD Scientific Director of Look and Medicine Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in Editorial APPARENTIA SANA IN CORPORE SANO Pr Jean Paul Meningaud An incessant dialogue between Look and Medicine. "The form is the substance that comes to the surface" is a famous quote attributed to Victor Hugo (Proses philosophiques (1860-1865) [...]


Aesthetic health based on scientific evidence

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