LM N°1 / 2023. The impact of digital technology on aesthetic medicine and surgery. Vincent Laeuffer.

ACTUS. Everything you want to know about the impact of digital technology on medicine and cosmetic surgery. Vincent LAEUFFER Expert in new technologies. ARCHIMEDE ACADEMY Introduction In recent years, the field of aesthetic medicine, which encompasses both non-invasive therapies and surgical procedures to improve physical appearance, has [...].
LM N°1 / 2023. Hair transplants.

Another look at aesthetic hair health. Therapeutic procedures. Innovations in hair regenerative medicine. David Poisbleau, MDService de Chirurgie Plastique et Maxillo-Faciale, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil Based on presentations by Sophie MENKES, MD, Byong SEUNG CHO, MD, CEO of ExoCoBio Lofti BENSLAMA, MD Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), follicular stem [...] cells and hair regeneration.
LM N°1 / 2023. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). Alexis DELOBAUX, MD.

Another look at aesthetic body health. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). From the tumescent method to High Definition with the VASER Lipo. Alexis DELOBAUX, MD. Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon. Clinique Esthétique Paris Étoile. 12 rue Beaujon 75008 Paris adelobaux@gmail.com https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/832830080 SUMMARY In the age of social networking and the cult [...]
LM N°1 / 2023. The natural beautification of the face. About a model. Jean-Pierre AMSELLEM

Another look at facial aesthetic health Natural facial beautification. About a model. Jean-Pierre AMSELLEM, MD Association française de médecine esthétique et anti-âge INTRODUCTION Rejuvenate, of course, but above all, beautify: what's the point of rejuvenating a face that was never beautiful before? What our patients really want is to regain their [...]