LM1 23 Severe corneal ulcers. Contribution of autologous platelet gel (RegenWound®) . Pr Merieme HAROUCH, MD. & all.
LM LE JOURNAL REVOIR LA SANTÉ ESTHÉTIQUE DU REGARD Eye aesthetics and regenerative medicine Contribution of autologous platelet gel (RegenWound®) to the treatment of severe corneal ulcers: 10 initial cases. Prof. Merieme HAROUCH (1) *, MD. Safaa JIHAD, Younes ALLOU (2). (1) Centre Casablanca Laser Vision, Centre Casablanca Cornée-Kératocône (2) Laboratoire de Biotechnologie Médicale [...]
LM1 23 Beautifying the buttocks with hyaluronic acid. Jean Pierre AMSELLEM, MD
Another look at taboo subjects EMBELLISHING THE BUTTOCKS WITH HYALURONIC ACID Jean-Pierre AMSELLEM, MD INTRODUCTION Today, toned, lifted buttocks are a sign of beauty, youth and sensuality. And despite a healthy, balanced lifestyle, some patients fail to achieve the desired results.
LM 1 23 Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). Alexis DELOBAUX, MD.
Another look at aesthetic body health. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). From the tumescent method to High Definition with the VASER Lipo. Alexis DELOBAUX, MD. Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon. Clinique Esthétique Paris Étoile. 12 rue Beaujon 75008 Paris adelobaux@gmail.com https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/832830080 SUMMARY In the age of social networking and the cult [...]
LM 1 23 Eliminating glasses with lasers. Jean-Pierre ROZENBAUM
A different view of aesthetic eye health Changing your look by doing away with glasses thanks to lasers THE REVOLUTION OF RÉFRACTIVE SURGERY Jean-Pierre ROZENBAUM, MD Ophthalmic surgeon specializing in refractive surgery Member of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie "Eyelash extension by INSTITUT LAUGIER". Certification recognized and registered RS 6147. Introduction Refractive surgery [...]
LM 1 23 Neck aesthetics with PRP & AH Cellular Matrix® from REGEN LAB. Clinical case of SUTHA Aesthetics (London)
Clinic: Neck aesthetics with Regen Lab's PRP & AH Cellular Matrix® regenerative medicine WHAT IS PRP & HA? Sutha Aesthetics is proud to offer you the evolution of PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) with the added boost of HA (hyaluronic acid). PRP is a well-known healer and sealer (not a filler) that regenerates tissues [...].
LM 1 23 The new facelifts . Jean-Paul MENINGAUD
Another look at facial aesthetic health The new facelifts. Pr ean-Paul Meningaud,MD. Under pressure from aesthetic medicine, facelifts have become less and less invasive and, above all, more effective. When I was a student, facelifts consisted solely of lifting and pulling the skin. The scars were considerable. Patients [...]
LM 1 23 An attractive minimally invasive alternative to surgical facelifts. With LUXEFACE. Dorina DONICI
SUMMARY Tensor threads have become an attractive minimally invasive alternative to surgical necklifts for certain patients. Luxeface is the world's first Swiss method of lifting and rejuvenating the skin using absorbable threads. Developed in 2010 by Dr Dorina Donici, it is based on extensive scientific evidence and [...].
LM 1 23 Natural facial beautification. About a model. Jean-Pierre AMSELLEM
Another look at facial aesthetic health Natural facial beautification. About a model. Jean-Pierre AMSELLEM, MD Association française de médecine esthétique et anti-âge INTRODUCTION Rejuvenate, of course, but above all, beautify: what's the point of rejuvenating a face that was never beautiful before? What our patients really want is to regain their [...]
LM 1 23 With Renuvion. Béatrice LAFARGE CLAOUÉ
ANOTHER LOOK AT AESTHETIC HEALTH OF THE FACE First approach to remodeling the neck and facial contour using RENUVION or J plasma Dr Béatrice Lafarge Claoué Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon Past president of SFCE Member of SFCEP and ISAPS Former medical director of Clinique Alphand Our patients [...]
LM1. Video Presentation. Another Look : "Ethics and Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine and Surgery. "Jean-Paul MENINGAUD, MD, PhD. Professor, Head of the Department of Plastic and maxillofacial Surgery and Director of the ambulatory surgical Department at the Henri Mondor Hospital (Hospitals of Paris).