LM N°1 / 2023. Good practice in the preparation of human blood-derived biological products such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). Antoine TURZI, President of REGENLAB 

Good practice in the preparation of human blood-derived biological products such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Antoine TURZI. President of REGENLAB New innovative therapies characterized as autologous (organic substance whose donor and recipient are the same individual) are coming onto the market. Their preparation depends on the use of special devices [...].

LM N°1 / 2023. Lasers make glasses a thing of the past. Jean-Pierre ROZENBAUM

A different view of aesthetic eye health Changing your look by doing away with glasses thanks to lasers THE REVOLUTION OF RÉFRACTIVE SURGERY Jean-Pierre ROZENBAUM, MD Ophthalmic surgeon specializing in refractive surgery Member of the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie "Eyelash extension by INSTITUT LAUGIER". Certification recognized and registered RS 6147. Introduction Refractive surgery [...]

LM N°1/2023. The new facelifts . Jean-Paul MENINGAUD

Another look at facial aesthetic health The new facelifts. Pr ean-Paul Meningaud,MD. Under pressure from aesthetic medicine, facelifts have become less and less invasive and, above all, more effective. When I was a student, facelifts consisted solely of lifting and pulling the skin. The scars were considerable. Patients [...]

LM N°1 / 2023. With Renuvion. Béatrice LAFARGE CLAOUÉ

ANOTHER LOOK AT AESTHETIC HEALTH OF THE FACE First approach to remodeling the neck and facial contour using RENUVION or J plasma Dr Béatrice Lafarge Claoué Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon Past president of SFCE Member of SFCEP and ISAPS Former medical director of Clinique Alphand Our patients [...]


L&M EDITORIAL: TO CHANGE THE WAY WE LOOK AT AESTHETICS Pr Albert-Claude BENHAMOU President of the French National Academy of Surgery Publisher of LOOK & MEDECINE The magazine "LOOK & MEDECINE/L&M" has become a partner of the "Assises pour l'Innovation en Médecine EsthétiqueAIME" to change the way we look at the right to aesthetic health for all! Dear readers [...]

LM N°1 / 2023. AIME PARIS 23: World Day of Creativity and Innovation! JP MENINGAUD

EDITORIAL AIME PARIS 23: World Day for Creativity and Innovation! Pr Jean-Paul Meningaud President of AIME Scientific Director of L&M https://looketmedecine.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/ITW-Pr.-MENINGAUD.movChers friends and colleagues in aesthetic medicine, today is World Creativity and Innovation Day! On this special day, we would like to celebrate our community's ability to [...].


Aesthetic health based on scientific evidence

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