LM N°2 / 2023. Theme 2: hyaluronic acid and PRP. For vaginal health in breast cancer survivors. Dr Dana SAWAN (Gynecologist), Pr Barbara HERSANT (Plastic Surgeon)
LM N°2/2023. Editorial 4. The complex relationship between facelift surgery and breast cancer. Pr Jean Paul MENINGAUD (Paris)
LM N°2/ 2023. Theme 1. Genital and urinary health after breast cancer. Innovative medical treatments for female genital rejuvenation. Fabienne Marchand Lamiraud (Nantes)
LM N°2/ 2023. Theme 1: Genitourinary health after breast cancer. Hyaluronic acid: from endogenous molecules to injectable gels. Denis Couchourel, Phd, Vivacy Laboratory
LM N°2/ 2023. Theme 1: Genitourinary health after breast cancer. Alterations in mucosal transudation in vulvovaginal atrophy: what mechanisms are involved? The role of hyaluronic acid in influencing vaginal lubrication. Denis Couchourel, Phd (Vivacy Laboratory)
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