LM N°1 / 2023. Severe corneal ulcers. Contribution of autologous platelet gel (RegenWound®) . Pr Merieme HAROUCH, MD. & all.
LM N°1 / 2023. Neck aesthetics with PRP & AH Cellular Matrix® from REGEN LAB. Clinical case of SUTHA Aesthetics (London)
LM N°1 / 2023. An attractive minimally invasive alternative to surgical facelift. With LUXEFACE. Dorina DONICI
LM N°1 / 2023. The natural beautification of the face. About a model. Jean-Pierre AMSELLEM
Another look
LM N°1/2020. Video Presentation. Another Look : "Ethics and Aesthetic and Anti-aging Medicine and Surgery. "Jean-Paul MENINGAUD, MD, PhD. Professor, Head of the Department of Plastic and maxillofacial Surgery and Director of the ambulatory surgical Department at the Henri Mondor Hospital (Hospitals of Paris).
Another look
LM N°1/2020. Another Look. "Questions about Appearence: Considerations on Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery". Pr Jean-Paul MENIGAUD, MD, PhD. Professor, Head of the Department of Plastic and Maxillo-facial Surgery and Director of the Ambulatory Surgical Department at the Henri Mondor hospital (Hospitals of Paris).
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