L&M's investigations

What is the role of the physician in medical cosmetology?

Uses and customs, Consumption in medical cosmetology.

Anne-Laure KIRCH,MD

Henri Mondor University Hospital. Créteil.

"The possibility of a personalized skin diagnosis, adapted advice and trust in the medical world are the arguments most frequently cited by the general public.

The definition of cosmetic products according to the article L5131-1 from code from health public is very broad and open to many fields of application:

On hears by product cosmetics torte substance or mix intended for à be put in contact with :

  • the parties surface from body human :
    • the epidermis,
    • the systems hairy and capillary,
    • the nails,
    • the lips
    • and the bodies genitals external
    • the teeth and the mucous membranes
  • In view, exclusively or mainly :
      • from the clean up,
      • of them perfume,
      • of edit appearance,
      • from the protect,
      • from the maintain in good state,
      • or from correct the odors "


But behind this definition, what is our report with the cosmetology at daily ?  Qhat is the place from doctor in cosmetology medical ? Let's decipher this at travers from temoignages according to a survey of 100 people.

1.So that the budget annual for the cosmetology varies from 360 euros à more from 1000 euros by an according to the people interviewed, this one depends widely

    • of the products used,
    • of the services provided,
    • the frequency of use.
    • From the classic cream to the "latest" treatment in an institute, there is something for every taste and every budget.

2. The two cosmetics that seem to be indispensable meet in the bathroom.

  • The skin cleanser is the flagship product for more than 50% of witnesses, whether used in the morning and/or evening, it is an integral part of the beauty routine.

  • The moisturizing cream comes in second place, which more than 35 % could not do without on a daily basis.

3. The places where these cosmetic products can be found are numerous:

  • Whether in a perfumery, pharmacy, parapharmacy or beauty salon.

  • But medical and aesthetic offices are not left out to find the right treatment.

4. More than 80% of respondents appear to be open to meeting with a physician to perform a cosmetology consultation:

The main argument is the knowledge of the anatomical bases and the cutaneous physiopathology. Whether they are :

  • aesthetic doctors,

  • plastic surgeons

  • or dermatologists,

  • They seem to be privileged interlocutors for almost all of our witnesses.

The possibility of a personalized skin diagnosis, adapted advice and trust in the medical world are the most frequently cited arguments.

  • This medical cosmetology consultation would be all the more appreciated for people with skin disorders such as acne, couperose or eczema.

  • For more than 50% of people it is a privileged moment to discover the nature of their skin, to be directed towards adapted products and to create a personalized cosmetic routine.

  • Consulting a doctor for cosmetology seems to be an act that is more and more relaxed, certainly thanks to the democratization of the subject via social networks and the feminine press.

6. Another point that seems to stand out is the place of organic cosmetics.

  • For 25% of those surveyed, taking care of their skin involves organic or even vegan cosmetics.

In conclusion

Medical cosmetology with its personalized consultation, its oriented advice and the possibility of having products specifically adapted to each skin seems to take an important place in the daily beauty routine.

*A survey conducted with a panel of 100 people from different socio-economic backgrounds.


Aesthetic health based on scientific evidence

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