Look & Medicine interviews. The promises of "the Fairy platelet" for autologous regenerative cell therapy. The promises of "the Fairy platelet" for autologous regenerative cell therapy. Antoine TURZI, CEO of RegenLab, is interviewed by Pr Albert Claude BENHAMOU, Past President of the French National Academy of Surgery.

plaquetas sanguíneas". Las promesas del " Hada de las plaquetas " para la terapia celular regenerativa autóloga. plaquetas sanguíneas ". Las promesas del " Hada de las plaquetas " para la terapia celular regenerativa autóloga. plaquetas sanguíneas ". Las promesas del " Hada de las plaquetas " para la terapia celular regenerativa autóloga. plaquetas sanguíneas ". Las promesas del "Hada de las plaquetas" para [...].

LM 2 INTERVIEWS. The AIME 2022 conference is different from the competition. Why is it so different? Pr Jean-Paul MENINGAUD and Pr Barbara HERSANT.

Interview The AIME 2022 conference stands out from the competition. Why is this so? Pr Jean-Paul MENINGAUD and Pr Barbara HERSANT Long live the AIME 2022 Congress in Paris. This congress is different from the competition! Why is it different? Because we celebrate human exchange through the size of the venue and promote a comfortable and inclusive environment through the use of a [...]

LM1 . Why is the launch of L&M magazine an important event? Dr Hugues CARTIER

Interview Hugues Cartier, MD, France. Interview Hugues Cartier, MD, Dermatologist. Hugues Cartier is in charge of IMCAS global course coordinator for all IMCAS congresses. He is also associate editor for Dermatology Therapy. Dermatologist, phlebologist and dermlaserist at the Clinic Saint-Jean, Arras, France. He is also the chief of wound care in the dermatology department of [...]

LM 1. EDITORIAL.Why is the launch of L&M magazine an important event?

Dr. Hugues Cartier

INTERVIEW Dr. Hugues Cartier, Dermatologist, Anti-aging physician. Interview Hugues Cartier, MD, France. Who is Hugues Cartier? Hugues Cartier is in charge of the coordination of the IMCAS global course for all IMCAS congresses. He is also Associate Editor of Dermatology Therapy. He is a dermatologist, phlebologist and dermal laserist in [...]


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