Aesthetic medicine, a field once confined to specialized clinics and doctors' offices
dermatologists, is now ubiquitous. With the rise in power of social networks and
the growing cult of the perfect appearance, demand for these treatments has exploded.
However, this democratization is accompanied by considerable risks: the proliferation of "fake
injectors", online sales of adulterated dermal fillers and unregulated practices
threaten consumer health.
In the face of these abuses, it has become imperative to advocate a rigorously founded aesthetic medicine.
on evidence.

Editorial 1 THE IMPROVEMENT OF PLATE-RICH PLASMA (PRP) IN REGENERATIVE MEDICINE: A PROMISING HORIZON. Prof. Jean-Paul MENINGAUD Head of the Plastic, Reconstructive and Maxillofacial Surgery Department. Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil, France. Scientific Director of "Look et Medecine". President of the "AIME" Congress. Regenerative medicine, in its perpetual quest for progress and innovation, has recently been enriched by a promising approach: the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This [...]
LM N°2/2023. Editorial 4. The complex relationship between facelift surgery and breast cancer. Pr Jean Paul MENINGAUD (Paris)

The complex relationship between cervico-facial lifting and breast cancer Pr Jean Paul MENINGAUD President of "AIME" Scientific Director of "Look et Medecine" The worlds of aesthetic medicine and the fight against breast cancer seem, at first glance, far apart, with very different objectives and concerns.
LM N°1/2023. The new facelifts . Jean-Paul MENINGAUD

Another look at facial aesthetic health The new facelifts. Pr ean-Paul Meningaud,MD. Under pressure from aesthetic medicine, facelifts have become less and less invasive and, above all, more effective. When I was a student, facelifts consisted solely of lifting and pulling the skin. The scars were considerable. Patients [...]
LM N°1 / 2023. AIME PARIS 23: World Day of Creativity and Innovation! JP MENINGAUD

EDITORIAL AIME PARIS 23: World Day for Creativity and Innovation! Pr Jean-Paul Meningaud President of AIME Scientific Director of L&M https://looketmedecine.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/ITW-Pr.-MENINGAUD.movChers friends and colleagues in aesthetic medicine, today is World Creativity and Innovation Day! On this special day, we would like to celebrate our community's ability to [...].
LM N°1 / 2023. Why will "L&M" be attending the 5th edition of "AIME"? AIME PARIS 2023. JP MENINGAUD

https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/832608461 L&M at the 5th edition of AIME AIME PARIS 2023 Pr Jean-Paul MENINGAUD For its 5th edition, in addition to the traditional focus on aesthetic medicine, anti-aging medicine and cosmetic surgery, the Assises pour l'Innovation en Médecine Esthétique wanted to focus on active cosmetics. A third amphitheatre will be dedicated to cosmetics [...].
LM N°1 / 2023. AIME PARIS 23: World Day of Creativity and Innovation! JP. MENINGAUD

https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/832608461 Editorial AIME PARIS 23: World Day for Creativity and Innovation! Pr Jean-Paul Meningaud, MD President of AIME, Scientific Director of L&M Previous image Next image Dear friends and colleagues in aesthetic medicine, today is World Creativity and Innovation Day! On this special day, we [...]
LM N° 2/ 2022. L&M interviews: Prof. Jean-Paul MÉNINGAUD, Scientific Director of "LOOK ET MEDECINE" and Prof. Albert Claude BENHAMOU. A magazine dedicated to aesthetic health.

L&M interviews THE SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR AND EDITORIAL DIRECTOR OF "LOOK ET MEDECINE" Professors Jean-Paul MENINGAUD & Barbara HERSANThttps://vimeo.com/manage/videos/762786063
LM N° 1/ 2022. INTERVIEWS. The AIME 2022 conference stands out from the competition. Why is this? Prof. Jean-Paul MENINGAUD and Prof. Barbara HERSANT.
Interview The AIME 2022 conference stands out from the competition. Why is this so? Pr Jean-Paul MENINGAUD and Pr Barbara HERSANT Long live the AIME 2022 Congress in Paris. This congress is different from the competition! Why is it different? Because we celebrate human exchange through the size of the venue and promote a comfortable and inclusive environment through the use of a [...]
LM N°1/2020. Questions about appearance. General considerations on surgery and aesthetic medicine. Pr Jean-Paul Meningaud, MD, PhD.

Questions about appearance. General considerations on surgery and aesthetic medicine. Pr Jean-Paul Meningaud, MD, PhD Professor, Head of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery. Director of the outpatient surgery department of Henri Mondor Hospital (Paris Hospitals). Introduction During the course of my medical and cosmetic surgery teaching, I am asked many questions about [...]