LM 2 2022-23 themes

First steps AIME Paris 2022 SYMPOSIUM "VIVACY" How to harmonize facial contours...

Therapeutic procedures Get rid of misconceptions about medical compression with S...

Another lookEditorialRegenerative medicine, the future of medicine. Prof. Barbara Hersan...

Another look Swiss medical devices for autologous regenerative medicine. Antoine T...

Another look Hyaluronic acid and tissue regeneration Denis Couchourel PhD, MBA Direct...

Another look Good preparation practices for human blood-derived biological products: ...

Another look Skin regeneration with PRP-(HA) Swiss translational research projects

Another look Exosomes: an innovation in aesthetic medicine Sarah Berndt, PhD

Un autre regard Méthodologie et bonne pratiques pour intégrer la “médecine régénérative...


L&M surveys " When men take care of their appearance " Catherine De Gours...

Everything you want to know about facial lipofilling Pr Barbara Hersant MD, PhD. Department of...
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An original editorial line
"L&M" a medical journal dedicated to "aesthetic health".
The "concept of care" in the context of "aesthetic health" takes into account the "concept of self" where "self-image" plays a predominant role.
This concept of care of today's medicine must integrate an aesthetic dimension in the practice of all medical acts.
Because the patients' demand, whether explicit or implicit, is constantly increasing, even demanding.

L&M is your new digital and paper magazine dedicated to anti-aging medicine professionals.
L&M offers you serious scientific articles treated in a lively, modern and attractive style, combining the most advanced studies with rich and varied visual aids combining images, diagrams and videos.
L&M publishes news, surveys, therapeutic procedures, clinical research studies, good practice advice in aesthetic medicine.
L&M is interested in the aesthetic characteristics of all areas of the human body that need to be known in order to preserve or restore them.